IP/trademark law/Competition law
Competition law, trademark law and the vast area of intellectual property and know-how to be protected in the commercial sector, are combined under the term ‘industrial property right’. The industrial property right is an elementary area of economic life and commercial law’’ in most cases it concerns the elementary know-how of commercial or industrial companies and its protection as well as disputes with competitors - in this area too, HOECK SCHLÜTER VAAGT has for years successfully supported and advised clients.
For many companies, intellectual property and immaterial protected goods have a high economic value. Apart from trademarks and registered designs, they include a wide variety of other protected goods. For many years, we have supported our clients in planning, registering and supervising their trademarks and other property rights, both at national and international level. We also advise our clients in drawing up licence agreements for both licensors and licensees in designing research and development contracts. In addition, we assist our clients in asserting claims in case their property rights have been infringed by a third party.
Apart from immaterial protected goods, it is the competition law, which is the key area of industrial property right. Observing a wide range of market behaviour rules is increasingly become a challenge for all businesses. We also advise our clients in competition law issues to avoid any risks right from the start. Here, competition law warnings are not only a threat in the field of online trading. Apart from averting claims by competition and consumer associations as well as competitors, the assertion of claims by our clients in case of competition law infringements by competitors is of course also part of our expertise.